
Role Configuration

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Defines all roles (Players) in the session.


Defines a role. A Role have a user interface and is controlled by a human player.

A role is defined with the following properties :




The identification name. This name must be unique, only one role can have a specific IDName. The
IDName is used to identify a role in the mail communication between the roles, in the mangers observation
tool etc.

Value example = "X", "Y", "Chief", "CH"


The long name is a used to be a describing name for a role

Value example = "Fire fighting unit chief X"


The type of the role.

Possible Values = "Human"


All mail addresses that this role can send mail to.
Possible receivers can be roles and mail groups, they are identified with their IDNames.

Value example = "B,C,MG-BC,MG-All"
Can send mail to role 'A' and 'B', and mail group 'MG-BC' and 'MG-All'.

More about the mail system at Mail System and configuration at Mail Config .


The scroll pos of the map at start. The value is the position on the map that should be displayed in the center of the visible map area.

Value example = "20,20" MapStartCenterScrollPos


The IDName of the units that this role control.

Value = "1,2,3,4"
Value example= "CP"


Value example = ""


Value example= "Pilot-1"


Value example= "Blue"


If the map manipulation should be send to some other role and displayed on that roles map.
Possible values = "True", "False"

Value example= "false"


The roles that the map manipulation should be send to.
Value example = "X", "Y", "Chief", "CH"

Value example= ""


Value example= "25,25"


Value example= "1.0"


If all fire simulation events should be remembered on the map.

If true then all fire events exposed on the map is remembered
also when they are not in the sight of units controlled by this
role. If false then all fire events vanish from the map when they
no longer is in sight of units controlled by this role.

Possible values = "True","False" Value example= "False" C3system-config-session-role-remember-fire-on-map-true-small.gif File:C3system-config-session-role-remeber-fire-on-map-false-small.gif


If the position of a unit that is not controlled by this role should be remembered on the map. If true then the
position of the unit is remembered on the map also when it is not in the sight of units controlled by this
role. Note, this remembered position may not after some time correspond with the units real position. If
false then the position vanish from the map when the unit is no longer in sight of units controlled by this role.

Possible values = "True", "False"
Value example= "false"


If all fire simulation events should be displayed on the map. If true then the role see all fire
Possible values = "True", "False"

Value example= "True"


Value example= "True"


Value example= "True"


The name of the UnitInfoDisplayOutline that this role should have.
The UnitInfoDisplayOutlines are defined in the <UnitInfoDisplay> element in this xml file.

Value example = "Ground Chief"

See more in the menu selection session UI.
Value example= "Ground Chief"


The name of the user interface layout that the role should have.
The user interfaces are defined in the <UserInterfaceLayout> element in this xml file.

Value example = "Ground Chief"

See more in the menu selection session UI.
Value example= "Blue" />

    IDName = "X"      
    LongName = "Ground Chief X"
    Type = "Human"      
    MailSendTo = "X,Y"      
    MapStartCenterScrollPos = "20,20"          
    MapDB = "false" 
    MapDBTo = ""      
    SeeAllFire = "true"      
    ControlUnits = "F1,F2,F3,F4"
    RemeberUnitPosOnMap = "true"
    RemeberFireOnMap = "false"
    UserInterfaceLayout = "Ground Chief"
    UnitInfoDisplayOutline = "Ground Chief"/>