
Forest Fire

From C3LearningLabs

The main module in C3Fire is the Forest Fire Module mainly described in the Simulation description.

Fire Fighting Unit

The fire-fighting unnits in C3Fire is the basic units that is used to close out the fire. The fire-fighting units can move in the geographical environment and extinguish fire.

The unit is represented on the map by two images, the unit's current actual position on the map and the unit's intended position. The intended position is the position that an unit is moving towards. The intended position is displayed when a player want the unit to move to a new location. If the user selects the position or the intention, a read square is displayed around the image.

Usually all units are represented by numbers. Example of standard images for Fire Fighting Unit number one.

Unit example

F1 Position


F1 Position Selected

Position Selected

F1 Intention


F1 Intention Selected

Intention Selected

In this example the unit "1" is currently near the house, but is moving up closer to the school.

The units are defined in the Units configuration definitions in the Session configuration. In the unit configuration the manager can select the number of units and the properties for each unit. Example on properties that can be defined are: moving speed, fire fighting speed, start position and the unit images displayed on the map.

Operate a unit (Move)

The players controls the units by moving them to different locations. In the basic setting the units automatically starts to do activities as fighting fire or filling water when standing still at a location. A move command can be done in two ways.

The first is to use the intention marks at the unit palette (in figures abowe the intention mark for a unit is the blue number).
Select the intention mark with the mouse control. Put the intention mark at the position on the map towards which the unit shall move. The unit (yellow number) automatically starts moving towards its intended position.

The second is to make a drag and drop command with the mouse.
Select the unit (yellow number) on the map with the mouse control. Drag the unit to the position on the map towards which the unit shall move and drop. Now the intended position (blue number) appear at the drop position and the unit start to move towards it.

Unit basic activities

A basic fire-fighting unit can be in five states: doing nothing, moving, mobilizing, fire-fighting and demobilizing.

 More properties and activities can be added with use of the modules Water Logistics and Fuel Logistics.

Doing nothing

The fire-fighting unit stands still on a position on the map, waiting for a fire to start at the position or to get instructions from the user.


The fire-fighting unit is moving towards a specific position on the map. The user can select the position by selecting the unit intended position.


The fire-fighting unit stands still on a position, preparing the equipment for fire fighting. When all equipment is ready the unit automatically starts to fight the fire.

Fire Fighting

The fire-fighting unit stands still on a position fighting the fire. When the fire is closed out or burned out the unit automatically start to demobilize.


The fire-fighting unit stands still on a position preparing for moving. When all equipment is prepared the unit automatically starts to move if the user has selected a new intended position.

The fire fighting unit automatically starts to fight a fire if the unit stands still on a position that is burning. This means that if the player wants the unit to fight a fire at a position he sets the unit intention mark on that position. When the unit has arrived to that position it automatically starts to fight the fire.

The player can change the intended position all the time, but if the unit is mobilizing or fire fighting the units waits until the fire is closed out or burned out and demobilizing is done, before it starts to move towards the new position. The fire fighting units have an unlimited tank of water.

Fire-Fighting Unit Collaboration

When two or more units are at the same position they can collaborate when extinguish the fire. In the session configuration the manager can select to activate the collaboration method that should be used in the session. The following methods can be selected: UnitCollaboration, OnlyOneUnit and OnlyOneUnitAndTimeDelay.

The units collaboration are defined in the Fire Fighting Config definitions.

Unit Collaboration

The units collaborate well when fighting the fire in the square. The time for fighting the fire is half of the time that the most efficient unit in the square should have if it extinguish the fire alone. This is the default value.

Only One Unit

The units do not collaborate when fighting the fire in the square. The time for fighting the fire is the time that the most efficient unit in the square should have if it extinguish the fire alone.

Only One Unit And Time Delay

The units do not collaborate when fighting the fire in the square. They interfere with each others work and a delay time is added to the fire fighting time.The time for fighting the fire is the best qualified fire fighting units time, but the unit have some extra time added to its regular fire fighting time.